
Viet Nam hosts the 42nd ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Meeting

As the highest ASEAN transport body, ASEAN Transport Ministers (ATM) Meeting shall set policy directions in the transport sector and discuss issues of common interest. The ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting, as the executive body, shall supervise, coordinate, and review programs as well as directions set by ASEAN Transport Ministers.

 ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group (MTWG), one of the working groups in the transport sector, shall be continued as the principal coordinating and implementing arms of the ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (STOM) in carrying out the various programs, projects, and activities of the sectoral areas as specified in the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan 2016-2025.

On a rotation basis, the Viet Nam Maritime Administration assumed the chairmanship and hosted the meetings of MTWG for a period of 2 years 2008-2009: MTWG 15 (23-25/4/2008) in Ha Noi, MTWG 16 (9-11/9/2008) in Nha Trang, MTWG 17 (10-12/3/2009) in Hue and MTWG 18 (11-14/8/2009) in Ho Chi Minh City.

The Viet Nam Maritime Administration will assume the chairmanship and host the meetings of MTWG for two years, 2022-2023. Due to the complicated development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 42nd ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Meeting (MTWG) will be held virtually from 9 to 10 March 2022. Attendees include:

The 10 ASEAN member states.

The ASEAN Secretariat.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO).

ASEAN's dialogue partners.

Regional associations.

At the 42nd  MTWG, the ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group will further discuss implementing the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan 2016-2025.

Followings are some photos of the meetings of MTWG for a period of 2 years, 2008-2009


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